Saturday, 29 August 2020

Gramma Camp – Friday

 We had a grand time Friday. Isabelle was determined to finish the wood. Part of one row had tumbled, and I went out to fix it. The girls joined me. Grampa began his walking circuit.

Ta Da! Last ones.

Jos driving from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Jos drove the tractor into the shed and the girls closed the door. I had my shower, and we were done.
This is the wood left from last year, which is why I ordered just one cord.

Our next order of business was to pack to go home. It was too cold for swimming. The hostage exchange was for 1 p.m. Izzy threw her sock downstairs and it stuck. She was quite proud of herself and took photos.

We drove home, and I sat out back with my feet up, watching air traffic. I was curious about this beast.
I put it out on Social Media, and found the answer: "Contracted air support to the RCAF for training."

There were two more. There was a 4th, and I tried a video, but it was too far away.

National Research Council plane!

I sure am glad we got it all done. It was damp with dew, and today, Saturday, it's dumping rain!

The girls come back on Monday, and that'll be it for the summer. School for them, in OCDSB, was to begin Sept. 3rd, but the board wisely delayed it. The teachers hadn't been given class lists, and principals are still massaging them, now they no who will attend f2f and those, like our girls, who will be doing online schooling.


DUTA said...

The girls are a delight to the eye!
I'm for kids being at home these days. School is dangerous!

Tom said...

...I like your work program at camp.

RedPat said...

Scary times for school kids and their parents. We still have only had a few sprinkles of rain even though they keep predicting a lot. Last night we were to get around 30 mm and we barely had a wet deck this morning!

Olga said...

My grandson will also be online learning at least through October. It seems such a treat to have those girls around -- and lots of good memories for them, plus sense of accomplishment.

Linda said...

Our grandkids are doing the virtual school too, they are having a room set up for it, and parents work from home. Our board has set up irs own virtual school with principal and staff who will handle everything. Sounds like a good plan.