Last Friday, the girls were due back to their parents house. Both parents are working from home. It's frantic, as they try to work, try to keep a household functioning at the same time.
For breakfast, I opened up Isabelle's orange, again. I stick my thumb in the middle and spread it apart, "That just blows my mind, Gramma!"
She is a hoot!

Off we went to the hostage exchange in the Staples parking lot. Perth was almost deserted. That said, people passed us in interesting locations.

People are being really stupid.

Kids driving with a dog in front.

Papa (SIL) scored us some bread and bagels for next week. Caitlin brought those to the hostage exchange. They were happy to see momma.
We were nearly out of printer paper. I ordered that, and two printer cartridges, online. You drive up to the special parking spot and they bring it out to your car. There were a lot of people going in and out, however. One man wearing a mask and gloves. I was happy we didn't have to go in.

Here are people lining up outside our downtown drug store, in the rain.

This weekend I removed the green, March, ribbons from my fence. I met two garter snakes sunning themselves, looking for bugs. Bless their little hearts!
garter snake from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I don't have any yellow ribbons, traditional for me for April, my stash fell apart. I ordered some blanket binding last year, which worked well for May, which was blue. Maybe the girls can help me figure something out!
I put out my Easter wreath, though.

The mosquito larvae are hatching out. Quite a few more than last week, when Jos and I checked it out. Happy froggies, dragonfly larvae, water beetles, and all the other predators.
Clip0 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Ticks are out, too. We took one off each cat. Both engorged. We'll have to phone the vet on Monday and order goop for them. We'll remind the girls to wear boots outdoors. We'll do a check with them every night.
We both have our fall coughs back still. My cataracts are growing. They are giving me trouble. My left eye doesn't like reading. My right is getting cloudier. Compared to some, these are trivial problems. It's frustrating, though.
We've been amusing ourselves with a snappy BBC series called The Coroner. We watched the Canadian version and quite liked it. This one is great, too. Saturday, we went hunting for chorus frogs. More on that tomorrow.
...those ticks aren't a welcomed sight! I'm sorry to hear of your cataracts, I had both eyes done several years ago. What a difference that made.
I am pretty sure we Hve watched The Coroner.
You are doing wonders with the kids. They are tiring.
Sounds like you are doing well despite it all ~ Interesting post and videos ~ Your granddaughter is a cutie ^_^
Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Ps. Pray, send well wishes whatever it is you do to help heal Zoe ~ having problem with her little leg xox
Ticks up there? I have not seen any down here yet. I better start checking closer!
Just for the record, I have had difficulty figuring out how to comment on your posts. I think I have it sorted out now.
Love your story today, great to have the girls stay. I learnt yesterday, thanks to both of the grandies, how to do a Facetime call with my Macbook. So I had a tour of one garden, the new carpet, bathroom makeover, luckily all done well before the lockdown, today might get to see, the same remote way, the other garden down south. Do you have Facetime? Maybe we can set up a time that fits in with our so different time zones? Keep safe.XXXXX
Yes, that would be frustrating especially since I like to read. Hope someday soon you'll be able to get that repaired with surgery. Oooooo, ticks. We have them sown here year 'round. Snakes too.
Now, how do you open your oranges like that?!!
Jenn so sorry about those cataracts.
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