Some are still stuck on cruise ships, or the 1000 Canadians stuck in Peru.
There is lots of interesting data. This chart by CBC was telling.

One particularly stark comparison are the reports from various parts of the world. Compare population with the number of reported cases. Some countries simply aren't telling the world the truth. That's exacerbating the situation, as projection data is compromised.
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March 22, 2020 |
From Twitter, it's always good for a laugh...
"Fauci notably absent today from the TrumpVirus lie-a-thon due to injuries suffered from repeatedly banging his head into a wall. "
USA: Sen. Rand Paul, the guy who opposed the #coronavirus relief bill and paid sick leave, tested positive on March 22 and is ON PAID SICK LEAVE— Bryan Dawson (@BryanDawsonUSA) March 23, 2020
His father, and former Congressman, Ron Paul, published an essay titled “The Coronavirus Hoax” on March 17. Hypocrisy infects from the root
There are stories of bush parties, house parties, and illegal hunting in our rural bush camps, on Twitter.
Grampa, bless his heart, continues to do his shoulder exercises assigned by his physiotherapist. His cough and cold has come back full throttle, but he is improving more quickly. We are certainly taking it easy, but with stress comes that stress hormone, cortisol, which is intended to help with fight or flight. It doesn't help when you are trying to shelter in place, though!
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his shoulder exercises |
JB has ordered his cancer treatment injection. Originally, he was to have it in the Ottawa Hospital, but he made an appointment with our GP's office for this. I figure, he can go to the door, give them the needle, stick his hip in the door and the nurse can poke him!
I have the cough back, as well. (JB had it Nov. to January. I had it during December.) Trying to read (I've 4 books out from the library), but my cataracts limit my reading time.
I've been out walkies, absorbing some vitamin D from the sunshine. The frog pond is slowly thawing, refreezing, and thawing in the sun some more. The water is really high. Let's hope we don't get spring flooding again.
Mar. 20

Mar. 21

I loved this dead tree! It was a wicked wind storm.

Mar. 22

"It may be the end of the world, but, dammit, our books will be in order!" and I quote!
Anyway, must run. We've garbage to get out. My back still hasn't eased into the day.
We're running Gramma Camp again this week. The kids are working from home, and we will do a Hostage Exchange in the Carleton Place parking lot, again, at 9:30 (if Caitlin can get them out the door!). They are sending fruit and veggies with the girls. Things are different in the city.
We'll sit down and figure out a schedule of some sort with our girls. Papa sent us some research possibilities, which they talked about at home. We've got a fire to make, and wood to fetch. What is missing is French. Mine is rusty. We'll have to watch some French shows on TV, or do Facetime with their other gramma, mémère, who is in N.B.
It is hard times, but I hope the grocery stores can find a way to speed up their delivery times on those orders.
And some people are asymptomatic but also test positive (Some U.S. Senators, for example). How long and how much are these cases spreading the virus? Stay well. Get that sunshine and fresh air walk in every day!
Hari OM
Well, I can say in India's case, it's not that they aren't reporting, it's that most folk have no doctor to attend, neither is there the systems in place, to do such recording. Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru might manage it, but beyond that... On Sunday the call went out for the nation to observe 'Janata'; a people's decision for the people and by those people, to remain indoors for 24 hours. With one exception. At 7am everyone stood at their front doors or balconies for 2 mins and clapped or rang bells in praise of the emergency service workers. It was a big success and more will come. Bharata became still and respectful and proved how a nation can draw together in a common goal - even when it has other things trying to pull it apart. My connections there do seem to think they have not been as badly affected - at least to date. As India is the TB capital of the world, though, there are many who would be considered at risk should Covid-19 take hold.
Here in the Highlands of the Bonny Land, we have been inundated with camper vans and holiday home rentals filled with effwits from London. More money than commonsense or caring for the locals whose resources they will be seeking to suck up. The big ferry company has now banned the transport of anyone who cannot prove they are local residents. Our First Minister said 'stop it, go back where you came from!'... signs of our times.
Meanwhile, I am recovering and drying my eyes after three and a half hours of trying to get a shopping ordered for dad's home - half an hour of that trying get 'checked out'; and that is with having been notified that we have been put on a 'vulnerable persons' list! It better bally-well show up this time or you'll hear me screaming all the way over there. YAM xx
That Rand Paul info is shocking.
...spooky, stay well and safe!
That Rand Paul posting is interesting, terrible.
That's a good point, Yam. They are not testing, then.
Good luck with those orders. Sigh.
Hey Jenn :) Sorry to hear the cough is back...I hope you can shake that off soon! I love how you described the "hostage exchange" lol...oh gosh you just reminded me about the taxes...I have to pay every year, so I usually wait until April 30th to do them! We got snow today...lots of it. I hope spring decides to drop by soon!
Rand having it is fitting.
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