They've been doing well keeping it going for us.
Things are changing hourly for many. Westjet is cancelling all international flights. ONTARIO has declared a state of emergency. It's creeping across Canada. Our first cases came from Canadians returning from the US. The governments are working on banning all non-essential travel from Canada to the US, permitting the food supply chain to continue.

ALSO NEW: Starting Wednesday, March 18, international flights in Canada will be restricted to four airports: Toronto (YYZ), Montreal (YUL), Vancouver (YVR), Calgary (YYC).
Canada has 3 million citizens abroad, and they will loan people $5000 to get themselves home, if they need it. There are many people on Facebook saying they are staying. It shocks me that some are languishing in warmer climes, risking us all when they return.
Florida beaches are still full! People seem to not understand.
Breakfast Tuesday was blueberry pie, dry-roasted peanuts, and a Ferrero Rocher chocolate squirrel. The puns flew. "We're going squirrely." "This is nuts."
Grampa did groceries after his PSA test. Izzy asked for a blueberry pie.
Florida beaches are still full! People seem to not understand.
Momma took photos at the official hostage exchange Monday.
Breakfast Tuesday was blueberry pie, dry-roasted peanuts, and a Ferrero Rocher chocolate squirrel. The puns flew. "We're going squirrely." "This is nuts."
Grampa did groceries after his PSA test. Izzy asked for a blueberry pie.

Grampa and Isabelle went to the general store to return bottles, and pick up videos. The store computer wasn't working, so they said to just take them! I love small towns.
We did some Lego.

Grampa came back with a consolation prize for the girls. Mugs with pandas on them, seeing as the girls couldn't go on their trip next month.

Nutmeg and Cinnamon are having lots of fun. Jophee tried to get a photo of the two of them on the cat bad, but Cinn took off!

"We love boxes!"
Isabelle wanted to use the Starfrit.

Then, outdoor play.

tree climbing from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
I've just started playing bubbles with the cats. They aren't quite sure what to do with them. Nutmeg is still too unsure of herself to play with Jos. The bubbles are infused with catnip!
Cinnamon bubbles from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I showed the girls the video of the raccoons and the coyote. Isabelle thinks it funny we call all our raccoons Butch!
Butch 2 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Afternoon DVD

After the death of James Halliday, the creator of the virtual reality world, his pre-recorded message reveals the hidden fortune, which makes Wade Watts, a teenager, embark on a quest.
Hari OM
I have a spiraliser - LOVE it! You folks always have such fun. YAM xx
Cute family photos. Have fun! Take care and have a great day!
Gramma camp is full of fun things.
The Coronavirus is really starting to affect us, isn't it? I haven't had any problem shopping so far, and the crowds have not been unreasonable, and the people well behaved. I picked up wine at the Liquor Store yesterday and the shelves were half empty! Gotta stock up on the essentials!!
...the schools are closed at home, my 7 year old granddaughter is excited about being "home schooled!"
Are you tired yet?
I think it's pretty cool that your city girl knows how to keep the fire going too!
Jenn - I am glad you are still able to have Gramma Camp - looks like it is off to a great start! I am disappointed that there are folks around the world who are not taking the virus seriously. We are in isolation because it is the right thing to do to flatten the curve. My sincerest prayer is that I am wrong about how bad things will get. Loved all of the videos - it helps so much to have these distractions. Maybe I should make up some bubble mixture for me and hubby! Stay well!
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