Anyway, our juniors won gold.

The fans are the best part...

Then there are the sniffers.
I asked what this was about on Facebook, not being a hockey nerd. My trailcam mentor knew, smelling salts. He says it clears out the respiratory system. Sure.
The cats have liked hockey. Daisy, mostly.
When I was a kid, Fluffy, see him on top of the TV, used to try to catch the hockey puck from up there!

Hooper liked curling. So did Daisy.
Hooper and Daisy liked tennis, too.
Now, lest you think I am still a couch potato. I got outside yesterday, and did some clean-up. It felt good. First job, cleaning out the bird bath. A sunflower seed had sprouted!

I cleaned up most of these fallen branches. Some were frozen into the thawed/melted/frozen snow. I gave up at that point.

This is one of the dozen pumpkin we left out for the critters. It has rained a lot, as well as the snow melt. They keep on munching away at it!

Cute seeing the kitties watching TV. Happy Monday, wishing you a great day and a happy new week!
Hari OM
Ammonia salts have been used for centuries to enhance alertness: mostly in cases of fainting or poor health, but I guess sports guys get improved focus from the kick. All the ammonia does is irritate the respiratory membranes, creating a sudden inhalation response. The inrush of oxygen can only be to the positive.
I was getting to watch curling this weekend as the Perth Masters were on BBC Alba. The only time the sport is available to us (free) here in its birthplace!
We are on the mend in the Mac Clan. That cough surely hangs on though, eh? YAM xx
...I've always heard the Canadian kids were born with hockey skates on!
We have quite a few downed branches in the backyard. Right now they provide both perches and a little cover for the birds. We will clean them up in the spring.
We used to have a video just for our cats to enjoy on the TV. Our last cat wasn't much of a boob-tube watcher though. - Margy
You do wonder what the cats make of it all.
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