Out the front window
We have a snow base of about 22 cm. My poor yard stick fell over, as the snow is quite powdery.
Inside the front window
My tulips and paperwhites are growing nicely. I must look for some fertilizer.
Canada is still fighting with China over the incarceration of our two Michaels. It's a long story, but when the US demanded we hold Meng Wanzhou for extradition in Vancouver, and we set up a court hearing for this, and said we had to follow the rule of law, China threw two Canadian men in jail in China. The two men are both named Michael, and protestors have been trying to secure their release. They are in awful conditions. This woman, Weng, is living in a Vancouver mansion, with an ankle bracelet, which she show off to the press. The two michaels are being denied their human rights, living in inhuman conditions.
There was a court hearing about this extradition this week, we have a treaty with the US, of course, and there were people with red signs there as the hearings began.

The strange tale of the paid protesters supporting Meng Wanzhou at her extradition hearing
It turns out that a casting agent put out a call for actors, to pay them $150 for a film shoot. They lied. They hired them to protest. The actors had no idea what it was all about until reporters began interviewing them. Then they realized their mistake. They were not up-to-date on the issues. Sadly.
“After two or three questions, I obviously noticed that she was a professional journalist with professional equipment, asking real questions. That’s when I totally freaked out.”
Pro-Meng protester says she was duped:https://t.co/t2ixleXpJu
— Andrea Woo | 鄔瑞楓 (@AndreaWoo) January 22, 2020Pro-Meng protester says she was duped:https://t.co/t2ixleXpJu
Meanwhile, my foot is healing nicely, where the log fell on it. JB is still coughing. That's been since Nov. 15th. IT comes and goes. I wish it would go. He's so frustrated. JB's worked hard on getting fit after his cancer surgery and during his treatments.

Finally, a WHO decision on nCoV emergency delayed as the cases spike: This is where you can see a map of nCoV cases thus far.
...stay warm and healthy and remember what President Donny says, America first!
Oh, no, Jenn! Put a sock on that foot!
I hope the couple can have a good life here.
Glad your foot is healing and hope hubby's cough heals soon ~ Maybe the snow and cold will kill some of the germs ~
We live in a crazy world and do hope the two Michaels get released soon ~ not that our crazy USA prez would help ~ doesn't seem to be capable of compassion ~ As for the royalty crew ~ well ~ let them figure it out ~
Be well.
Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I'm happy they broke free of England but, hope soon, the media will allow them privacy ...as the neighbor's lives also.
News coverage is all staged & scripted these days...the hiring of extras did not surprise me a bit.
Wow, that foot/log injury looks nasty (still)
I hope their neighbours continue to chase off the paparazzi. Canadians are pretty good for protecting our own.
We have heard about these professional protesters before. Some of the big protests are staged. It's pretty disgusting.
You're welcome to them Jenn. Paid protesters we have those too.
Soft tissue injury, that will take longer than a broken bone to heal maybe, ice packs, strapping, or elevation and a LOT of rest. Did you see the ride on snow blower on Jocelyn's post? You need one of those!!! Privacy, it just isn't there these days as everyone tries to get the scoop for the paper or online news.
Maybe JB needs another climate. You should try changing place for a month or so, and see what happens. Sometimes, radical measures have to be taken in order to improve health.
I had to look up paperwhites, I call them white daffodils.
Your poor foot looks sore, ouch.
My prediction is that Harry will not stay here very long.
The paparazzi should be chained together and dropped into the ocean. It's not as if they're real reporters to begin with.
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