My major chore is to bring in the goldfish. This is a challenge. I've been watching the two-week forecast, as it is miserable working in the pond in the damp and cold. The first prediction was from Sept. 24, the next Sept. 26, and Sept. 30th.
Finally, Sept. 29th, I filled the fish tank with cold well water. It did not go well.

I have 11 fish to bring in. My process was halted as the aquarium pump began leaking Sunday night. Checking it every half hour, I thought I had fixed it. I can't bring the fish in without a pump going. (Goldfish are quite the poopers!)
We ordered a new pump. It ought to arrive Friday. Deep breath. I was up late Sunday drying up water. The basement ceiling did not fare well. I took some meds to sleep...
In the meantime...

Annabelle has had her fall shearing. There was a bit of growlies, but I've been forgiven.
There are lots of mushrooms and fungi all over the forest.

Speaking of the forest...
Sadly, Hooper brought us another rabbit. I rescued the carcass and put it out at the farthest trailcam.
The raccoon had a good feed. The porcupine just ambled on past.
While Butch has been at the carcass for two days, the coyote finished it off. It's the cycle of life. The red fox has been around in the meadow.
The buck is still around, digging scrapes to mark his territory. He could smell what was here.

Here is a bit of a view of the snow out west. Waterton, Alberta were the winners with 95 cm of snow.
We had major thunderstorms this morning at 5:30. It woke us up. The power flickered, but we're good. I'm happy it's not snow! Although, there are warnings as the storm from out west moves on here.At least one area of Alberta has received 80 cm of snow, with the chance for higher elevations to see over 100 cm by Monday.— The Weather Network (@weathernetwork) September 29, 2019
📸: @nicole_penton #ShareYourWeather #ABstorm #SKstorm

And the election process continues.

It looks like a few days of rain coming up. I'm glad we've had a few autumn jaunts in good weather.
You seem to be getting out and about quite a bit.
I saw the picture of the racoon before I read and thought at first it was a wild pig.
Storm blew through here sometime before dawn. Power was out. TV keeps breaking up and the sky looks spooky. More coming in fast. A friend in the Soo says they are flooding!
I saw 2 monarchs today and thought of you. I think the heat brought them out!
Hari OM
oh yes, those ageing aches... sigh... have noticed a few of those myself lately! golly, fish transport season. Comes round quicker every year, I swear!!! YAM xx
Snow in September. That'll be nice here.
The Rideau River is quite low in the city.
I got lucky and missed the heavy snow We had a couple of Cm. It was cold and nasty.
Jenn - sorry it's not going well with the fishies. As always, I am impressed with your videos and the variety of the wildlife you capture. Porky has to be my favorite this time. And was it just my imagination or was that a VERY PLUMP raccoon? We got away with just a dusting of snow but the temps have been very cold. Glad we got some of our garden tidying done when we did!
P.S. I love the pumpkin header!
You are right, Angie, a very plump raccoon!!!
We must not complain about the rain as it could of been a lot worse, snow like in Alberta.
Sorry about the ageing aches and pains … but it happens!
Mine always seem a little better after my first morning cuppa :)
Take care
All the best Jan
So sorry to hear about the pump and ceiling. Hopefully all is well now. Glad that you got to spend some wonderful time outside and enjoying yourself in the forest. Also, glad to hear that you have been forgiven by Annabelle! :)
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