Back we went on Friday. It was quite busy, and probably half is gone!

You can tell it is spring, a pothole.

I love the dandelions! People are realizing we need not eradicate them with horrid chemicals.

Ta da! Caitlin brought me two planters for Mother's Day, they are coming along nicely. I've planted some of the others with blue wave petunias, geraniums, asters, alyssum, lobelia, and some other fun flowers.

When I bought this planter last year, it was full of cascading petunias and alyssum. Here it was. Beautifully, carefully nurtured in the greenhouse.

We'll see if I can recreate it! I doubt it, but I'll do my best.

I had two helpers when I was weeding. They left when I hauled out the whipper snipper. The mosquitoes were not dissuaded, however.

The fountain is going great guns. Soon the planter will fill out.

Isn't the aster pretty?! Another impulse buy. I saw lots of shoppers at the nursery. Only one had a list. I didn't feel so bad. Lots of husbands pushing carts, like mine. There was one man, I kept running into him in the aisles, who was thorough and meticulously choosing plants on his own. I just whipped up and down chucking plants on the cart. That's my style!

Butch raccoon has been looking for seeds where the bird feeder used to sit.

I toddled down to the shed, once the cats took off. Phoebe is sitting on her eggs!

The fishies are happy, too. They will be happier when the pond weeds grow and give them some protection.

A morning visitor.
deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Jenn, I love your garden helpers! And I'm happy to report that I did my square foot garden this year after letting it lie for the past few/several years and so will have homegrown tomatoes and herbs eventually. (PS Do come by for my wonderful tea giveaway, open to Canadian as well as US readers.)
Hello, the spring flowers are beautiful. Cute shot of the Phoebe on the nest. Love the deer too. Happy Sunday, wishing you a happy day and a great new week!
Your garden helpers are quite a pair!
Your kitties are so pretty. And I love the aster. It has such a pretty color.
Gardens are a welcome subject, and photos of beautiful plants and flowers make our day. The 'helping' cats make us smile , and that's good for us.
My pheobe ended up in the house today! I startled her off the nest when I opened the screen door. She bounced off the screen then flew from window to window! Miss Kitty was going wild! Miss Emmy slept threw the excitement. I managed to catch her gently and release her outdoors. She sat in the lilac bush cusing until hubby flew in and calmed her down. And we thpught they had abandoned that nest...drats.
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