He met me in the backyard.
I went off to look for owl pellets. Nada. Hooper caught up with me and went skating. This was a couple of days ago.

I went out on the wetland ice, too. It was surprisingly solid! You can see where it melted, after the 5 mm of rain. We've had some cold nights, though.

The moss is bright green, but frozen!

Fungus is looking pretty, too.

Good smells!

In case you like watching him, he is a kook!
He's pretty and fun, and you do a good job sticking with him in his wanderings.
Hey with this new camera, I thought I'd get something more exotic than a cat. Oh well, it's a little practice for you.
It is fun watching a cat on walkabout.
You`ve got less snow on the ground than we do in the city, at least out in the open.
Loved watching your cat …
All the best Jan
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