Thursday, July 19th
I'd forgotten I had photos on the videocamera! Grampa and Josee bought more Lego. The girls line it up, and get it organized, before they being assembling it. (Their mother is a scientist!)

Jos and I were working on-line on the book, and Grampa was very tired. Annabelle, too.

Also, we watched a video I had taped: Gulliver's Travels (2010) - IMDb. A bit crude, but the girls loved it.

Friday, July 20
Last day!Grampa was up first, and went on his 5:30 a.m. walk, returning at 6:30. The bugs are much better than they were, but he continues to do his walks early. Down on the trailcam... at 6:31, Junior Bear was walking in the cool of the morning, too! I wonder if he heard JB up on the driveway?!
I fetched the trailcam SD cards. Out there, Bucky was talking to Hooper.
Bucky 3 Hooper from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Izzy was up first, we watched cartoons. The Cat in the hat. Lots of fun and educational.
"The Cat in The Hat knows a lot about virtually every thing. With the help of fish, thing 1, and thing 2; the Cat in the Hat teaches kids about many things through song and games."Our viewing enjoyment was paused, 'scuse the pun. Hooper had a mouse in Grampa's office. I caught it in the net. I showed it to Isabelle. Josee wasn't up, yet. She missed the fun.

Isabelle reminded me of the time there was a bat in the fireplace. Jos and Iz helped me capture that one in the net.
The cats haven't caught much these days. This is a good thing.
Jos and Grampa went mini-golfing. I asked Josephine to take some photos!
Izzy and I had chores. She doesn't like golfing. We emptied the pool of the green water. We did Isabelle's laundry, packed up and tidied the basement.
Work done, we inspected the milkweed for Monarchs! Annabelle helped.
I loved Izzy's t-shirt from the Spy Camp at the Diefenbunker. There is such a variety of day camp themes for kids.
We checked Momma's 'remember' list.
Grampa did chores. Jos grabbed my camera. She narrated a story, with Hooper watching Grampa's return in the garage/kitchen door.

After mac and cheese, we watched a sweet movie. (2014)
We packed up the car. Off we went. On the way to the 'Hostage Exchange,' in Carleton Place, we saw a fire. When I arrived home, I found out there was a 10-acre grass fire. We passed a Beckwith tanker truck. The fire was on Drummond Concession #1, near Ebert Rd.

The regular places, where the tankers fill up, have low water. Firehalls are sharing water and supplementing equipment.

There was another fire... begun by a hay baler on Friday. We are hoping for rain Sunday.
The 'Hostage Exchange'
Their family is going on an around-the-world trip for FIVE weeks. They love traveling. All morning the girls were counting down the hours until they leave for the airport on Saturday. Gramma is sad. She will miss them.
Hello, your gramma camp sounds like fun. I love all the critters, especially the bear and deer. The mouse not so much. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks also for your comment on my blog.
Hari OM
Wow - that is a BIG trip! Wishing them all safe travels. D'ya think Hooper is having delusions of tigerdom??? &*> YAM xx
Your caption "Hostage Exchange" made me smile. The years of 'hostage' are the best for the kids. The parents' camp and the grandparents' camp are the ideal childhood frame.
That'll be quite a trip for them!
You wonder what cats and deer think of each other when they're in such close proximity.
Five weeks, will they fit in down here in NZ??? What fun for Hooper, and Bucky is so tame, even the traffic noise doesn't worry him. What a wonderful holiday every one had, now you and JB can rest a while.
I'll bet it's very quiet around your place. You'll miss them.
Wow safe travels to them! We are here for you Jenn!
I was wondering what event I was missing in CP -- hostage exchange. :)
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