I convinced him, the water sprayer was shaken and he ducked. Then he stood up, and launched himself at the chair on my right, then took off.
AHA, I thought. He got the message.

I heard a noise, and there he was...
Hooper from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
It's difficult to believe it was this cold only a few days ago!
deer from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Hari OM
MOL... I learned very early on that I had to put lids on things left in pans - or stick them in the oven. Jade dog knew about 'wait'. Jasper cat not so much!!! YAM xx
I know, Yam! But I was right there, you know we have an open concept dining/kitchen area, and he was right beside me, and then he was not! I threw the rest of it out for Butch raccoon.
The temptation was just too much! He couldn't help it!
Hooper has a fantastic sense of smell, too!
Now that's funny! Gotta love cats!!
That's a lot of snow!
I love Hooper's guilty expression when he looks up from the pan!
Hooper is so lucky the element was not hot!!! Breathing smoke, that is so cold!!
Oh! what a devil boy!!
You just gotta give little Hooper points for initiative and resourcefulness!
How could he resist the smell?
The cat looks at you like “Whaaat?”
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