There was so much snow on the big feeder, I tried to shake it off and the top fell off. Sigh.
Junior Bear will be disappointed and/or surprised in the spring!
I don't know whether to trash it, or rebuild it!
I was tweeting with the goddaughter of our home's 2nd last homeowner (<2005) and it has to be, at least, 15 years old. The nails rusted in the upright supports.
It's stood the test of time really well.
I cannot lift the roof, I put a new layer of shingles on it a couple of years ago, it's heavy. I dragged it over and put it under the tree, it was a good effort.

We've had lots of deer, and a rabbit on a regular basis. In the video, the deer didn't know what to make of the rabbit! This is out our kitchen window.
Deer and rabbit from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
We had ice rain yesterday. What a mess. I managed to clear off the sidewalk, but the driveway is a skating rink. Today, it is frigid.
wow, I can't get over how brown your rabbit is. They are still mostly white our way with the odd bit of brown starting to show around the head and neck.
Silly deer. :)
Yikes! That's -5 in Fahrenheit! Brutal! I'd be afraid of all my water pipes freezing. A bear??? Oh my!
And the rabbit, meanwhile, could care less about the deer.
It looks like Disneyworld where you are with all the happy critters.
Yikes that is cold!
Yikes, that is cold! Cute bunny.
That is a cute bunny. I hate shoveling this winter. Sounds like you are doing all the outside work too. Sending good thoughts for you and your husband:)
We had a few snowflakes on the way home from a meeting tonight. We are supposed to drive back to the States in the morning so I hope the roads are clear or cleared. - Margy
Hello! Sweet video!:) Can't imagine what they find to eat in so much snow. It never ever snows where I live, so it's nice to see it on other blogs.
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