Everyone is doing a calendar! Mine is a little more traditional!

The turkeys and the deer have been visiting.

The trailcam has been set up where I spotted some mouse tracks. Sadly, I didn't get them on video! They didn't come back.

I dodged a bullet. I'd been examining the bird bath heater, and accidentally unplugged it a bit. It was beginning to freeze over.

This is a yearling, just after I refilled the birdbath with snow, who spotted our fake tree. I chucked it out. He knew it was new in the yard and had to inspect it!

Hooper likes bird watching.

Finally, Daisy came for a brief walk with me. This is the first time since she fried her tongue chewing the Christmas tree lights. Her eye infection is almost better, as well. I'm still applying ointment.
Still mighty cold... Daisy, you are a trooper to be out there, and you blend in so well with white. Hope you have no more water problems,inside or out.We have had glorious rain,most of the night, and all is very wet outside. Grey skies, a little breeze, I am sorry for those camping in tents, but we NEEDED the rain. All over NZ,people will be so thankful when it arrives at their farm.
Daisy's story has taken hold of me. Everytime you mention her, I feel terribly sad. Let's hope she will completely recover from the traumatic event.
Great sunsets despite the cold weather!
I'm so happy Daisy could go on a quick walk with you! Definitely a good sign.
The curious yearling is very sweet, and Hooper looks quite at home!
Daisy's spirits seem better.
You will be keeping busy with all the friends in your yard. My friends visit me at night. there are no turkeys here.
It is sooo cold but we get a reprieve starting Monday!
Oh wow! You have so much wildlife! It's amazing to see. Happy New Year, Jenn!
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