It's a huge, old, long system, the Rideau Canal, and should be taken care of. It opened in 1832, and is a UNESCO Heritage Site. Good old mechanical engineering! Like all of us, it wears with time. It's a major contract and good employment.

A lovely sight, the swans, Canada geese and ducks. They know where to be safe. They were off in the distance, just off the point of land. This is with the zoom and cropped!

It's a spot where the lake narrows, and they decided to build a road across. Or they built the locks. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The red pin is on Narrows Lock Rd. Westport is to the west.

We drove across the bridge, then I spotted these in the bay. Hubby parked, and I went back to film them.
Narrows Locks Birds from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Masonry Repairs: Narrows Lock 35
In December 2016, Parks Canada began heritage masonry repair work at Narrows Lock 35 located on the Rideau Canal National Historic Site. Work will include stone replacement, grouting and repointing to ensure the continued structural integrity and functionality of the lock. Some of the repairs will occur below the swing bridge, requiring the bridge to be shifted to open position for their completion.
@RideauCanalNHS posted some photos of the inside of the tented workplace.

Thanks for the tour, beautiful northern Ontario!
Guess it is cold there working near the water in winter. What a treat to see the geese and others.How is the heating system? Any news? do you have to buy a whole new furnace? Hope you are wrapped up snug and warm meantime.
Lovely nature spot and wonderful photos!
Happy Week to you,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Good idea to get out there and see the country.
We've stopped there twice. It was actually our destination our first time. We had a picnic and lingered for hours until the sun set. Important to note: it was not winter. :)
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