Medieval times feature in the Ontario Gr. 4 curriculum, as well as in many US-based school districts. This gives a sense of the life and times. It's a good read, perhaps not as graphic as reality proved, but good for the youngsters.
Rautenberg has written several novels, having retired from teaching, and social work. She's won several awards other novels: Ballerina Detective and Missing Jeweled Tiara.
Castle in Danger by Karen Rita Rautenberg is a richly evocative historical fiction novel set in the time of the Middle Ages in the 14th Century.
It tells the story of Emma, a very pretty and kind-hearted girl, who lives in a castle with her rich father, Baron Geoffrey. She meets a handsome, young peasant, Thomas, when he saves her from a frightening accident. They become friends and are thrown into many adventures. Thieves try to steal Emma's and her father Baron Geoffrey's jewels.
The story weaves jousting tournaments, town fairs, scrumptious feasts, holidays, Christmas and All Hallow’s Eve, and Medieval traditions.
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@Barrie Summy
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@Barrie Summy
I LOVE the idea of a historical book for kids. Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the review!
I loved books like this when I was a kid. Still do. Historical fiction is a great way for kids to learn about "days of yore".
This sounds like a fun book for my granddaughter. Unfortunately she has to read 18 required books for a Battle of the Books program at school so she doesn’t have any time to read other books. In fact, she’s now recommending which books I should read so we can talk about it.
As a teacher I didn't worry so much about what children liked to read, just that they read. I even remember historical comic books in my day. Maybe they still have those. - Margy
You got it right on the head about historical fiction for kids When I left high school teaching history to our new middle school me and an
English teacher friend created a two hour joint "American Studies" class which combined American historical fiction and non fiction with non text book history. History was no longer "boring". I assigned essays my partner assigned the relevant and readable and we all (2teachers and 3 hour and a half classes had lots of fun....:)This all began in 1990 and lasted till we retired. I sure finding "young adult and tween books would be a lot easier now.
This sounds so fun! And I agree with Troutbirder...historical fiction can make history more interesting for kids. Thanks for reviewing!
Historical fiction is a good way to bring history to life for kids. This one looks cute.
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