We drove through Richmond, and passed by a cold-looking Jock River. The edges were icy, after a sudden flash freeze last week. There are lots of geese in the fields, as well.

Josee and her fun! Caitlin made a pie for the birthday boy. This he cold eat: no yeast, dairy or eggs.

Josee's project on the nervous system, including the brain she made, was a highlight. She had leftover goop, and both girls made some fun things!

After I showed off my pedicure, for our big trip, we compared footwear. In another "Don't tell the kids" moment, although Caitlin noticed, my socks didn't match! sigh.

Practicing selfies with JB's camera. I'm taking his for our trip. It's much more compact.

Then Josee took a turn! "You closed your eyes, Gramma!"
"I was winking!"

A big farewell at the door! Can you see our girls?!

Grampa's loot!

Is someone trying to give Grandpa a hint? I can't remember seeing him clean shaven.
The Jock is high isn't it? It runs behind my partners grandparents old homestead. The last time we were down there it was just a trickle in a ditch. My partner has memories of catching pike in the river when he was a kid but apparently it is very polluted and sterile now.
He shaves his head, Karen! Every day!
Happy Birthday JB. Those goodies, love the braces, Hugh has huge trouble finding anything that looks dressy.A cake and candles, very happy day together, and weather playing along so all roads were open. Many happy wishes again for your day.XXX
Happy Birthday to your hubby! The birthday cake looks 'fiery'. Lovely pictures of you two with the granddaughters!
It sounds like you had fun!
Happy birthday to the birthday boy. What an awesome celebration put on by some little girls.
He seemed well loved and appreciated.
Nice way to spend a birthday. Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I had kids and grand kids. Too late to change my mind now for sure. We are a family of diminishing returns. My grandmother had two children, one never married and Mom only had me. Now I have no children. I'm the end of the line. - Margy
Her project turned out great.
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