We have 16 acres, the neighbours have 35, and then the next neighbours have 600 acres each. We have room, with lots of little islands, and rough forested areas. There is a ton of food out there, as well. An ecosystem can handle a particular population level. When food is scarce, they don't reproduce as much.
Our forest is nicely populated. We've seen Junior Bear Sept. 12/13, 17th on the trailcam. A coyote was stalking Daisy last month (Trailcam coytoe & buck). We have the odd raccoon (Sept. 10), the barred owl (Sept. 18) has been calling in the night. There was a weasel. The turkeys are active, a group of three females, then another of 2 females and 9 poults, although there were 11 babies.
Melissa and her crew of two did the deed. JB and I recorded it. It's such a joyful moment. I popped Daisy into the house as she was thinking of an adventure.
First out, the three skunks. They were adorable. Do you know how you take a cat to the vet, it takes you an hour to capture her, and they refuse to leave the carrier upon arrival? Same with these critters.
skunk release from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
A few days later, this is what I saw on the trailcam. I don't know if it is one of theirs, but I'd like to think so! It could be our regular skunk, who visits from across the highway! Who knows. I only know that from tracks in the snow.
skunk Sept. 16 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Then, there was Butch raccoon. We call them all Butch, having spotted a raccoon in Bala, on the deck, then finding out she was a lactating female. JB is the one who names them, and tells stories about them! This is the original Butch.

You are wise to question my posting of three videos, however, there were 8 raccoons released, and it was a party. They loved the mud of the frog pond. One refused to leave the area where the carrier sat.
Butch release 1
Raccoon Release part 1 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Butch release 2
Raccoon Release 2 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Butch release 3
Raccoon Release 3 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Sept. 18th there were two raccoons on the trailcam. Great joy! They visited our front porch in the night, rearranging a few things, but we were careful to keep the garage door closed (where the bird seed and garbage sits).
Raccoon Sept. 18 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Cute. I watched a little of all of the clips.
Hari OM
what a privilege and a joy to share in this experience! YAM xx
It's always a big surprise when they don't leave the cage.
Those squeaks of the skunks are quite a charming sound.
It's wonderful what you are doing for the wildlife.
I'm not a huge fan of the cuteness of skunks have to desmell sever of my dogs over the years. Of course the stripped pussy cats have a right to defend themselves against over curious canines...:)
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