Day 1 – Saturday

This is the old wood in the shed. Some from 2016 and the bottom layers from 2015.
I found some catnip growing where I stack the wood. I gave each cat a whole plant. Annie was so silly, she rolled over, towards the others. I knew it would go wrong!

I gave the three cats a whole catnip plant each. You can see them growing joyously beside the wood pile. Daisy walked away from her plant to share Dorah's on the lower deck. She was able to share with Dorah, but she didn't like Annabelle coming on over!
As someone commented on Twitter, it's not so much catnip as cat slap!
I gave the three cats a whole catnip plant each. Daisy was able to share with Dorah, but she didn't like Annabelle coming on over!
I gave the three cats a whole catnip plant each. Daisy was able to share with Dorah, but she didn't like Annabelle coming on over!
Hubby finished all his chores (kitchen, dishes!), then he did groceries, and errands. His back precludes lifting firewood, so that falls to me. He brought me some water, as I was getting dehydrated. He offered to bring dinner in, but I made a chicken/turkey meatloaf. All was good.
Day 2
Sunday, a bit achy in my arms and back, I planned ahead with camera, water, and a sleeveless shrit, once things warmed up. Daisy was a helper for awhile, until I revved up the lawn tractor!!!!If anyone can teach me how to back up the tractor, with the trailer on it, I'd be grateful!
I managed to store the rest of the old stuff behind the house, ready to use. The new stuff will go into the shed.

Lots of 'helpers', like a leopard frog I nearly ran over. It jumped right into the spot where I was going to stack wood. Then there was a millipede or two, beetles, and a huge dock spider. I had to stop and smell the hibiscus, too!

Annabelle assisted during a water bottle refill!

It ended up in the trailer!
I did 50 minutes Saturday, took a break, then went back at it. I quit around 3 to have a wonderful shower! Phase one is done.
It was good prep for the two full cords I have ordered.

winter preparations well underway good for you! Glad the cats enjoyed their catnip!
'Tis the season, for wood gathering it is. Like squirrels running around to store nuts are we. - Margy
You cats are so much fun to watch. I can just see all the antics with the catnip. - Margy
Hari OM
Well at least Brassy won't hit out... it's engulfing stuff, that nip!!! (Maybe 'mum' was on a bit of nip herself, as she appears to have told us three times in a row about Annie not getting a look-in... &*<>) You got some good work done there and it is looking good and ready. Hope you don't have to dig into it too soon. YAM xx (back from recent travels, about to go off on more... tsk, gypsy...)
The millipede in your video is fascinating!
I like your job of doing the would. I don't burn any wood.
Looking good!!! Backing a small trailer is so hard, I suggest that you set out TWO poles in the lawn, drive through a little way, than back through. Next time drive through a little further. I got into huge trouble when I was about 13 or so, Dad drove the Fordson Major and trailer to the front paddock, and left it for me to pull and load the turnips. The idea is, you get a space, and then back into it so you can throw from 3 sides. I tried, and tried, then had the trailer at right angles, right up to the towball!!! And it was way too big to take off and move by hand. At least with the little one Jenn, you can probably swivel it round by hand if you have to. Send a video!!!
Good morning. You must be pretty strong and fit. Not sleeping well here. It's 5:30, and I've already been up for 1.5 hours -- or more. Sigh.
That's funny, John, I woke at 4:30!
Not so fit. A lot overweight. But I do keep active, as much as I can despite the ravages of old age: arthritis in the knees, and being prone to leg issues. I could lose weight, but that ain't gonna happen!
We are so far behind with our firewood. We still have 2015 wood in the basement woodroom. It was really good oak so we kind of hoarded it.
We bought a truck load of good slabs and a tandem load of hardwood. It all has to be cut and stacked of course. I can help with the slabs but the hardwood is beyond my back for sure. I wish Michael would split it smaller so I could handle it, but he wants it big for the wood furnace.
My cats don't really give a hoot for cat nip. One of them eats it, but other than that, it gets ignored.
Catnip equals bliss for the kitties!
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