Sunday, 28 May 2017

Sunday Sketches

FINALLY, I was motivated to actually paint! First, I sketched out a plan on the canvas, then I sat on the back deck to do some painting. I sat down with it, again, when the first layer was dry. Finally, I added some detail with markers.
 It's a poor photo, with the videocamera, but you get the drift! It was relaxing, and used a different part of my brain.



Studio Kaufmann said...

How wonderful to have found your creative muse again. The paint ing turned out lovely.

DUTA said...

I like your drawings and paintings. You're good at it. Art can be very relaxing, even therapeutic to those who practice it, and delightful to those who contemplate it.

BrownPaperBunny said...

I love it, and painting outside sounds perfect! I'm trying to find some time to paint again while my little one naps, but laundry and dishes keep interfering;)

Christine said...

Lovely spring/summer piece!

Unknown said...

Isn't it fantastic to get back to painting after a while away from it? And when you can sit outside and paint beautiful scenery, it's even better!

William Kendall said...

Well done! I like the new header!

Nancy J said...

love it!! Is that the TV remote or a mobile phone? And the smiley face,.Hope you have a wonderful week to follow.

A Casa Madeira said...

Very beautiful.
Nice to meet your blog.

Latane Barton said...

Very nice, Jennifer.

Serena Lewis said...

Lovely work, Jenn!

Red said...

Key word motivation. Sometimes it's difficult to motivate yourself.