2017 Navigation Season start delayed until May 26, 2017
Here are the locks in summer sunshine last year!

They are doing maintenance on several locks, throughout the Rideau Canal Lock system. If you build it, you have to repair it! I'm kinda thinking they should fill them, to take down the flooding, but they are trying to repair them, I imagine.
Since then, the dams need refurbishing. They are pouring money into the canal:
Parks Canada spending $40M to shore up crumbling Rideau Canal. I documented the work! There is a huge project on, I've written about the Poonamalie Locks, Narrows Locks, Jones Pipes, Motts Mills, for example.
This is Beveridge Locks. They have 4 special cabins to rent, rather than the typical camping experience. There were several birds, flicker, for one. I didn't grab a photo.

So true -- if you build it, you will repair it.
Are the cabins temporary? such a difference from full to empty, but I guess there will always be repairs needed.
They are permanent pseudo tents, for the feint of heart, Jean!
Fascinating seasonal changes. We don't have locks in southeastern Minnesota. But I loved your RBG's it our favorite spring visitor though only a few nest here...:)
We love to walk by the canal ... but not so often in the winter months.
Nice to see your photographs.
All the best Jan
They had to repair a couple of gates in the Ottawa Locks, so the bulk of the water was drained out of those locks when I looked the other day. It doesn't surprise me that the boating season's delayed, given conditions this spring.
An here I thought the canals froze and you could skate in them for miles?
Gosh, I think the only place I remember seeing locks and canals were in the Netherlands. There are none in Hawaii and I don't remember any in Illinois.
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