We drove the 33km to Maberly. Highway #7 was insanely busy.
First job, to park! People were vague on the concept.

Metal was popular! Design by Vanstein. He lives nearby, and works with melted aluminum. I bought a sun for the wall where Butch raccoon likes to climb the wall! I put up some flashing, as this is where I hang a bird feeder in winter.

This young man is new to Sundance, Robin Saunders. He puts maps on wood! It is fascinating.

There are two levels to the booths. Down below, under the trees, is the lower level.
It's a lovely river that runs through it. In past years there have been cedar waxwings in the trees. I didn't notice them this year.
There are tires in the river, visible with the low water levels and the drought. There is a man in Almonte, Doug Sneddon, who has been cleaning up the Mississippi River. He's found 952 tires in the river. In the 'good old days' they used the river as a dump. He photographs and documents everything he takes out. It is amazing. He tells me that most of the tires in the river system are 25 - 50 years old.

This is an amazing piece. A map of Middle Earth burned into the desk. Ron Cosens of 'Wood and Ashes Pyrography'. He's from Perth.

A handsome pair of men, mathcing haircuts, one in a fine kilt! Greg Dehetre, a large man who does fine work at Ring Weaver Studios. I bought some lovely earrings from him. (The kids were visiting on Sunday, and Jose gave me a glitter tattoo!)

I suggested to Steve that it is amazing the pieces his quirky mind dreams up. He preferred 'unique!' He recycles metals, and made our red chair.

Thanks for sharing this fun festival! Neat face painting!
Hari OM
Thank goodness it is over there and I could enjoy by 'proxy' - the wallet wouldn't have survived a live visit!!! The earrings are gorgeous. YAM xx
It looks like you had a good time.
I have been to Brooke Valley on their spring tour but not this in Maberly. I am not sure if it looks inviting to me.
You certainly know how to find all the fun places.
This is so much fun! We used to love to go to art festivals when we lived in Illinois. I don't see much of them here in Hawaii. I don't know why.
looks like you had a great time!
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