[Day trip to Golden Lake & Barry's Bay #1]
We drove through Eganville, where they were preparing to welcome Melissa Bishop back after her Olympics. Isn't that exciting?!They had a parade for her!
Melissa Bishop is a Canadian runner who specialises in the 800 metres. She competed in the 2012 and 2016 Olympics, and won a silver medal at the 2015 World Athletics Championships. [Wikipedia]

— Jeff (@hdhntrjeff) September 10, 2016
Golden Lake
Our first stop was in Golden Lake, by this time it was lunch time! Out the restaurant window, several Monarch butterflies! While JB paid the bill, I dipped my toes into the lake. We considered moving here, at one point, but decided it was too far from our Ottawa family. Also, the shallow lake freezes over in winter, and it becomes a Nascar track for snow machines.It's a large, shallow, open lake. The gull on the dock looked quite pleased surveying its territory.
The motel was quite at the end of its summer season, preparing to slow down.

Then it was on to Barry's Bay, Madawaska Valley! This store was quite quirky!

Home via Calabogie...where they have a motocross park. The resort was lovely, and we stopped for a drink.

Lots of traffic in Calabogie! We were worried about the truck, taking up two lanes. I lovely end-of-summer day!

Day trips are wonderful -- one of the best parts of retirement! Beautiful spot.
Eganville can be proud of her!
Hari OM
Meanwhile I am watching Canada's Roxon take on GBs Cashmore in the paralympics pool...........yup, Gold to Canada... there ya go, live off the ether! ...and what have they done to that Avro Arrow??? Ouch. Love the piccie of Annabelle on the tree at sidebar... YAM xx
From what I've seen here, I guess I'm going to have to do an Ontario road trip.
Gostei das fotos com a borboleta e com a gaivota. A foto do pé é bem interessante, com a concha ao lado.
I am trying to get back in the blogging groove after a rough few years. I sure have missed seeing your scenic pictures. Hope all is well for you and yours and I will be sure to visit more often than I have lately.
This looks like so much fun. How wonderful to have such lovely weather on these trips.
Did you stop at The Sands for lunch?
LOVE that place.
I've made up my mind to move to Barrys Bay when I can't handle living in the country anymore.
We get a lot of big wide trucks out here. Across the highway from me is a big complex of aggregate pits. It makes for some touchy situations at times. One of the trucks killed out mail lady a few years back.
And then there are the logging trucks.....
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