From the safety of my deck, I spotted two Eastern butterflies making whoopie in the tree!
Then, the teeniest grasshopper I have ever seen on my laptop tray!

Then there are the lovely cedar waxwings! Not great photos, but it was the action I loved. They are everywhere around the house, in the trees. I seldom see them this near the ground, just beyond the apple tree.

With the rain, we have happy plants. I have two apple trees, one has several wee apples!

Veggie garden, which I've watered in the drought. Lots of snow peas to come, cherry and regular tomatoes, zuccinni and cukes are on their way! The Milkweed Tussock caterpillars do not seem to mind the rain.

Lots of milkweed. Pretty wilted - up until this week. The raspberries seem inured to the drought. We will have a ton of them!

Daisy found a mouse I'd seen, but not ID'd before. A Woodland Jumping Mouse. Annabelle was inspecting it for her, Daise was in snatching a snack, just before I walked down the drive to get the newspaper.
Sadly, Annie killed it, but I do think it was wounded. They are nocturnal, and hop. A long tail, and large back legs.

You got more rain than we did. We had sprinkles of it but nothing substantial. I must get out and check my milkweed, haven't seen any Monarchs around yet, but have seen other butterflies.
Your Yucca, I have wanted one for SOOO long, but cannot find one in the shops, but up the road outside rental flats are some plants.I need to be bold and ask for one.Lovely fruit trees, insects and everything else. Did you watch the tennis? I went to be just before the end of the junior boys, one more young man from Canada there.
Congrats! I'm so glad you've got rain!. Every organism needs it: soil, plants, animals and ,of course, human beings.
I wish we had also a bit of rain, but it almost never rains in summer here.
We got the rain too - what a relief!
Hari OM
So glad the wet arrived... cats and mice, what to say?... YAM xx
Rain makes a big diffreence for the plants but also Our heads. We relax and have hope for better days.
I think it is wonderful when we can get rain, especially when we get very hot and humid conditions. Your photos are lovely. Sad about the mouse, but this is part of the life cycle.
I haven't seen a cedar waxwing in years!!! Wonderful captures :)
Rain is so wonderful! What a welcome relief for the plants! Have a beautiful week!
The rain was more than needed, but we still could use a good deal more.
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