Thursday 14 July 2016

Fire in Lanark County Highway #43

We must laud our firefighters. Ours are volunteers. Last week I backed out and bashed the garage door. (duH) It's been fixed.

The man who helped repair it is one of our volunteer firefighters. He attended the big fire in Lanark County at the end of his work day. The fire ran the length of the railway track from Perth to to Churchill Rd. People on Faebook were frantic, as Lake 88 broadcast the danger. The railway tracks follow around highway #43.

This is from a radio interview with our Fire Chief. Teams involved in the fire:
Lanark County BBD&E, South Sherbrooke, Perth fire, pumper at last duel park, 3 tankers from Lanark Highlands, Smiths Falls, all of Montague crews, Beckwith, 2 pumpers and tanker from Mississippi Mills, tanker from Merrickvile, and Rideau Lakes sent a back up  crew from Carleton Place to Central Frontenac on standby, 2 water trucks from DNE Township.

@RenCtyParamedic supporting @lcpscare, & partners with our #ParamedicUAV doing hotspot fire analysis near Perth.
— ChiefMNolan (@ChiefMNolan) July 14, 2016

 Chief and deputy chief from Lanark County public service. Brought drone to view from the air.
No evidence on tracks of it being caused by the grinder. Problem with the last train that left the plant.
Burn complaint, medical call south Sherbrook, another automatic alarm from DNE.
Tinder dry conditions. Fire ban.
Laurie Weir covered the story quite well.

Chief says cause of recent railway fires still under investigation

They are looking at CP Rail for responsibility.

This is a house than burned on highway #43 awhile months ago.

 Then there was a camp fire that was out of control.


Anvilcloud said...

Hopefully, the rain helped if it wasn't out already.

William Kendall said...

It is quite a calling.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
High summer and folks still wanna burn 'campfires'.... tsk.... Bravo to the volunteer firies!!! (and garage door fixers &*>) YAM xx

Red said...

That many fires would raise suspicion as to the cause.

Karen said...

This is shaping up to be an awful year for fires.
My S-I-L runs through that route with the railway! Shall I give him a hard timeÉÉ

Crafty Green Poet said...

The volunteer firefighters do a great job