Friday, 10 June 2016

When a tree falls in the forest


It was in the fall that Daisy and I watched the tree sway in the wind. It was top heavy, and very tall. The trunk had split, detached part way, and it was just waiting for a big wind.


There was no wind. I was sitting on the back deck on June 4th, I heard creaking, several times, as did JB over the course of the day... I was a bit worried about the bear being there. Then, a HUGE BANG!

Dorah and I went down for a walk. She thought this was a pretty cool tree and a treat.

Down after lunch, I took off some of the branches to clear the path. You can see a small sapling holding up this large branch. We've got a man coming who'll lay it down for us. Most of the wood isn't usable, as the top half was rotten.
 I like the way in which the canopy has let a lot of light into the forest.


Anvilcloud said...

Still no answer to the question: "I a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound." :)

Lady Fi said...

That's the way of nature - things rise and then fall - each have their beauty.

William Kendall said...

Quite fun for a kitty to walk on!

Olga said...

I guess gravity did its thing without the help of wind this time.

Gill - That British Woman said...

it is quite the sound when a tree creaks and then falls....

Red said...

So I guess somebody heard this tree fall in the forest!

DUTA said...

A tree is beautiful both when it stands and when it falls. However, we shouldn't leave it fall by itself as it could be dangerous. Your photos of the tree are very realistic, and I like them.