Off we went Monday morning to grab some plants. Annie was concerned about something on the front deck. A young raccoon had been cleaning up under the bird feeder. It is time to stop feeding the birds! It was frozen in fear. I nudged it and it took off. For now.

Butch on the porch from
Jennifer Jilks on
You know how I adore these little bandits. :)
It is sure different than the raccoons that I encountered in Vancouver. They were very bold, and I wa scared of them.
He looked a lot smaler than I tought they were after seein the cat bside it.
I imagine the raccoon was a bit frightened.
Hari OM
what a good gal was Annabelle, to come when called... I guess racoons are the equivalent of the OZe ring-tail possums; about the same size and you don't really want to get too close but they are just the cutest critters! YAM xx
I know raccoons can be problematic. In Chicago, I heard they sometimes ate the rubber off of tires because of the salt in the streets.
wow smart cat to back away and leave. We have a family that comes by but usually at night - they come up on the back deck to eat any leftover peanuts from the stellar jays and then to get in our trash.
These little bandits are adorable to look at but can really be dangerous! My wife and I live in the south and have to deal with them on a near constant basis. The ones near our house are very bold and will not hesitate to approach your house and go through your trash or even attack a small pet.
Danny Lawson @ Rat Busters Florida
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