I'm glad we didn't begin with a haiku, as when you write it in English, it's more Pseudoku! Haiku needs a cutting word, a lune does not. A lune or American Lune has 5-3-5 syllables, and doesn't need to be related to nature.
Dratted red squirrely
Feeds his wicked soul
Bullying the birds
Master of the seed
This is what we think the cats call them: 'Dratted Red Squirrel.' They are ubiquitous. The cats follow them like mad from the window, tracking them to the drainpipe outdoors.
Tree rats or bullies, as well!
I was out checking out the birdbath and it came right over beside me, ferreting out birdseed under the feeder. You can see how close we were.

DRS from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Now, since spring has arrived, it looks much warmer on the fence in the sun.

Never heard of the 'lune' before, but I could be persuaded to become a luneatic.
Good luck with the challenge. I tend to use a different D word for squirrels: devious!
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