On a daytrip
Don't you know!
Rideau Ferry at the beach
The icy edge it did not reach
I saw a frog jump in the lake
Sadly too quick the snap to take
On the bay I saw some birds
Turkey vultures, not in herds
Next we went to see the islands
Up and down, upon the highlands
Potholes galore it was a mess
Bravely navigated with finesse
Beehives ready for to spring
Joyous colours soon to bring
April has been NaPoWriMo, though I didn't participate last year. I felt a rhyme coming through as I prepared this post.
March 27, 2016
Rideau Ferry beach

The Big Rideau is melting!

Beehives are ready to go!

McDonald's Bay boat launch had a pair of turkey vultures, gulls, and mergansers diving for food, off in the distance.

This road had lots of potholes! Poor hubby! See the video below for the pain I put him through. Good thing he loves me. It's a lovely spot, but the road was 'not maintained by the county!'

The summer markets stands look so bleak. The old barn I need to sketch sometime.

Narrows Locks: a pine tree was damaged in our ice storm. There were no birds, as I had hoped.

We spotted swans on the ice there last year, in April! The ice is going much more quickly this year.
The smaller ponds around Murphys Point Park are melting.

Watch for deer on the road! They are moving out of their winter yards. Can you see her in the next photo?!

We tend to have hubby drive, me snap photos. This is the road I put him on!
Slippery trail from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Wonderful series of photos, worth the potholes and sweet hubby to take you over that road :) The video was fun to watch and I also enjoyed your poem. Have a great week!
Lovely poem, says it all perfectly.
Looks like a great day out.
Spring certainly is coming. Dow's Lake is still ice covered, while there are some lingering slabs of ice in the Ottawa River.
You're getting some good photo ops on your drives...some even moving you to be poetic!
Like your rhymes and the video showing that endless road with potholes your kind hubby had to drive on it. Judging by the pictures, it was a lovely day trip.
It's good to get out and about again. Some days are better than others at this time of year.
Yay! That's an excellent poem and I love all your photos.
Great new header photo! Sounds like a good day out too.
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