Day 5 Friday
We had a busy morning, with teeth, toast and packing.
Today, Buster was taken into the Cat's Meow for a week's respite. The girls came along. We were introduced to each cat by David. Jos loves cats, even though Mommy and Papa are allergic!

On the drive back home:
Geese on the flooded fields, overflowing rivers...

Our game: "Hay, Gramma!"
"Yes, dear?"
She 'got me' 7 times!

Down to the frog pond we went. Finally, a nice day. The meadow was quite puddley.

Jos used the stick to determine the water depth, and where it would come up to on our boots.

After lunch, Jos had a read. Izzy and I went to Parrot Partner, for a tour. Grampa went to pick up Dorah from the vet. She is going to try Prozac, as she's been urinating in dumb places.

Fun times with the grandkids. We had ours yesterday and spent a fair bit of time outside ... looking for chipmunk holes, checking the stream for frogs, wondering why some grass was so green, hunting for plants poking through the ground and then we sat on the deck for ages and peeled bark off branches that had been collected.
Hello, your grandchildren are cute. Great series. Happy weekend!
Bless you and these sweet children, Jenn!
I so hope the spa holiday and the Prozac work well, That still looks like ice out there. We have autumn, leaves falling everywhere.
Hopefully Dorah responds well.
I can't wait until June when my granddaughter will be with me in Hawaii. I can see what a special time it is for your sweet one.
Fun with the grandkids!
Your grandgirls are lucky kids -- and you are lucky grandparents -- you're all having so much fun!
Kids are never still. It's fun watching them. It's too bad so many of them have phones that make them completely inactive.
So nice to have bright young minds like your granddaughters sharing the day. I hope Buster and Dorah get their issues resolved. A friend once owned a neutered tom which developed a chronic problem urinary tract. Her other household cats became upset because of his smell and started marking. After years of veterinary care, sadly the ailing animal was euthanized. After he was gone, her other cats quit marking and household peace returned. Cat dynamics can be tricky.
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