Here is the link to her final post, predated for Feb. 23rd, the day after her sudden death. Tina lived in East Gwillimbury is located just north of Toronto, where I was born, and lived for 25 years.

I loved Tina's posts, since she visited a lot of the Ontario places for which I have fond memories, especially Central Ontario (Muskoka).
Tina wrote a wonderful blog with terrific photos.
William Kendall, another blogger, found the funeral home handling Tina (Christine/EG) and Thomas Forrester's funeral arrangements:
Christine Forrester View Schedule | View Death Notice
Thomas Forrester View Schedule | View Death Notice
William Kendall, another blogger, found the funeral home handling Tina (Christine/EG) and Thomas Forrester's funeral arrangements:
Christine Forrester View Schedule | View Death Notice
Thomas Forrester View Schedule | View Death Notice
The blogging community is heartbroken. I cannot tell you how much Tina, AKA EG, will be missed. Many of us have enjoyed her photoblog. Many are posting tributes on their blogs, as well as on Facebook.
An English Girl: I am dedicating this post to our blogging friend Tina Forrester (East Gwillimbury Camera Girl), who sadly was killed in a tragic car accident with her husband a few days ago.
Alder Presbyterian Church, Washington - *This post is in memory of my friend: Tina Forrester aka. "CameraGirl". She and her husband were lost this week in a tragic car accident. Here is her blog...
Life and death in The Land of Blog
*Where can a man better be than with his family?* * Jean Francois Marmontel* This has been a difficult week. We in Blogland have lost another talented beautiful soul. We add that to the list of many talented beautiful souls that have been lost in our world since my first year of blogging. This is hard, oh so very hard. It is true that we may, or may not have met any of these people. We spilled our most precious of thoughts, shared our most precious of moments, and we loved them like they were family. A huge piece of our lives, which may seem in... more »
Many of us bloggers
are thinking of our friend
Tina "E. G. Camera Girl"
who perished with her
husband in a very recent
traffic accident.
Tina was a true friend
who gave me gifts
every day at her blog.
Crafty Gardener has a post
So Long, EG Hilary at The Smitten Image - 1 day ago
I am so saddened to learn about the tragic passing of our lovely and talented photo-blogging buddy, Tina Forrester who blogged over at East Gwillimbury CameraGirl. She and her husband, Tom were taken in a traffic accident a few days ago. My heart goes out to their family and friends. This one is for you, Tina. [image: tulip pinky] Rest in Peace.
Before getting started today, some of you already know this, but for others, many of you know Tina, aka East Gwillimbury Camera Girl. She's been a photoblogger and regular visitor to many blogs. I'm sad to say that earlier this week she and her husband died in a car accident in southern Ontario. It's a shock to all of us who knew her through her blog, and all the more so to their family and close friends. more »
Saturday's Critters #115
To those who have not heard, I am truly sorry to pass on this sad news and to hear of the loss of our blogging sister Tina @ EG Camera Girl and her husband Tom. My heartfelt condolences and prayers go to the family, may God give them peace and comfort in these difficult days. Tina will be truly missed in our blogging world. I will remember Tina when I look back at her beautiful photos, she has left many photograph memories that we can cherish. RIP Tina.... more »
Thank you EGCameraGirl for sharing your world
*Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own;* *and from morning to night,* *as from cradle to the grave,* *is but a succession of changes so gentle* *and easy that we can scarcely mark their progress.* * Charles John Huffam Dickens* Tina Forrester, aka EG CameraGirl@ http://eastgwillimburywow.blogspot.ca was an Ontario Canada blogger who shared her world. With her keen eye Tina shared her world through her incredible photos. She made us feel. She brightened our days. She made us see exactly what our world had to offer. She knew the secret. ... more »
Hello, it is terrible news about Tina and her hubby! She will be missed by all of us.
It was such shocking and sad news to read about Tina and Tom. I loved the photos on her blog, lots of them from childhood memories of mine. Both Tina and I were working on an alphabet project and I got lots of inspiration from the photos she found in nature.
We are all sad and shocked, Jenn <3 RIP
It was such a shock to find out yesterday.
Hari OM
Spotted this news at another blog - was aware of Tina, but somehow never got to 'reside' at her blog... this is tragic news though. We must guard every minute... YAM xx
Oh I didn't know this has happened. I did follow her blog. How sad.
I was so shocked to read about this sad news on Eileen's blog (where I happened to read it first). Tina was such a good photographer and blogger and when I went on Email this morning I found three comments from her on my last week's posts that I hadn't erased yet. That made me so sad. It really makes you think to not take life for granted.
I see that a lot of bloggers knew Tina. I'm sorry I hadn't met her. I've seen that she was an amazing photographer as well. This is so sad.
There's a big hole in our blogging community. She was such a lovely person and talented photographer. Thanks for linking to other tributes.
I don't blog nearly as often as perhaps I should, no new news, not travelling to anything that is blog or photo worthy, but I still read and comment, so you know I am OK. The blog community and friendship travels far and wide, and to see others give loving comment when a blogger passes away is so thoughtful, and shows how much we do miss someone when they are gone. Their input so often brightens up the whole day. Take care, Jenn and JB.XXX
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