Momma was after the rich bird seed, which was already gone by the end of the day.

Mother seems to be the one that had some sort of abscess and looks fine, now. They have grinding teeth, which reveal their age. You measure the depth of the lower molars.

This doe, sniffed the air, lifting her head up high, and I noticed she must still be in heat as you can see her darkened tarsal gland, as well as her fluffed up tarsal gland fur. This helps disperse the hormones.

Hari om
Was this morning telling the father and neighbour M about planning a visit to tbe Jilks Wildlife Reserve..! Just showed dad this post and he is delighted at your variety of owls!!! Me too, but the dear ars gorgeous! YAM xx
You certainly know your deer, Jennifer. How lucky you are to have them as neighbours. Lucky them that you provide such excellent hospitality! Thank you for sharing them through your posts.
Well I didn't know any of that information about deer. Thanks Jennifer. And for the fine photos too.
These animals get conditions which is natural and sometimes it kills them.
I am sure your place is their home, beautiful photos.
The deer look in good shape.
super photos of the deer.
What a treat to see the deer up so close. I just wish they didn't do so much damage.
I don't really worry about the 'damage', EG! We've moved into their territory. They eat from my garden, my trillium, but they were here first. I love watching nature. I try to have in local plants, which we have plenty, and the others are on their own!
@Mooserun I bought this one at Crappy Tire. It's a .Wildgame, you can see in the photos Basically, the more money you spend, the more bells and whistles. It just depends upon the purpose. I'm simply curious as to what is in my yard at night.
I preferred the previous one I had, Moultrie, but it busted and Canadian Tire didn't have any of those in stock. Rural life!
Oh beauty! Lots of wonderful photos of the deer and what a gift to photograph and have them so near you! Thanks.
Happy Weekend to you, ^_^
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