Thursday 24 December 2015

About 100,000 people without power in Ontario!

There are many people who will be having a candle lit Christmas Eve! I hope they embrace it in the spirit of the season. I've cooked a turkey on a BBQ! It builds character.
Mind you, it's not as bad as the 7 people dead from tornadoes in the southern states, but there will be those who complain.

Thanks to those Hydro crews who are working away tonight and tomorrow. This is true for all those who work on days when the rest of us celebrate a festivus! Hubby is taking chocolate into our local emergency room!



Red said...

Losing power at any time is a nuisance. Losing power at Christmas is a disaster.

William Kendall said...

That is a lot of homes out. Have a Merry Christmas.

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, I hope the power is back on.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you all the best in 2016, a very Happy New Year!