Last week, we still had lovely maples in full dress. The view from the window was cloudy. Last year, I remember wishing I'd cleaned it before sub-zero temperatures, so I cleaned the window. The cleaner freezes on the window, you see! Well, you can't see!
The afternoon sun streams in and warms us.
Sunday was a shock, however, as the Catalpa tree simply dumped its leaves.
Hubby gets his exercise giving Annabelle her exercise with ping-pong balls. He wore her out, though.
My Catalpha trees also simply dump their leaves in one go. No strip tease there. You had much more snow than we did, further east. Yes the fall tree colours are gorgeous. I often feel like pulling the car over and snapping pics of some spectacular specimens but I usually get the old car horn blast by other motorists who don't take the time to stop and 'smell the roses'.
Well,I haven't had window cleaner freeze, but if it is too cold outside, it does stay blurry, so I leave it till warmer. I have so enjoyed your words today, specially, " Then the snow fell" lovely autumn colours, and so many leaves on the ground. Take care, stoke up that fire.
So you got in on the snow too. There must have been a wide swath of snow in Ontario. I won't mention anything about weather as I don't want to put a jinx on anything!
Hari OM
Scarily, there has been early snow in central Europe too... you reminded me I have windows to clean... The colours are wonderful... YAM xx
Love the Autumn colors, just beatufiful! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!
My Catalpha trees also simply dump their leaves in one go. No strip tease there. You had much more snow than we did, further east. Yes the fall tree colours are gorgeous. I often feel like pulling the car over and snapping pics of some spectacular specimens but I usually get the old car horn blast by other motorists who don't take the time to stop and 'smell the roses'.
Well,I haven't had window cleaner freeze, but if it is too cold outside, it does stay blurry, so I leave it till warmer. I have so enjoyed your words today, specially, " Then the snow fell" lovely autumn colours, and so many leaves on the ground. Take care, stoke up that fire.
So you got in on the snow too. There must have been a wide swath of snow in Ontario. I won't mention anything about weather as I don't want to put a jinx on anything!
The autumn colours are gorgeous. I'm not in a hurry to get snow though. Have a great week.
Ahh you got dumped on.. that's way too early!
Love the firebush! It's not en fuego yet in Columbus, but it's coming.
So beautiful while it lasts ... Dang, that's the trouble with Autumn... It just doesn't last long enough.
Beautiful autumn colours. But your snow does seem early. Hope we don't get any just yet ( preferably none at all).
Yep, October is such a gloriously colourful month, that's for sure!
The snow was such a lovely sight to my eyes!
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