Friday 7 August 2015

Turtle, cowbird and my frog pond

I don't know if my faithful readers and commenters are interested, but I figure since there is a winter TV channel showing a roaring fire...these are my moments of meditation and relaxation. I survey my pond, spotting the natural ebb and flow. The bugs are minimal on my dock in the pond. It is such a relief.
I counted 5 bullfrogs, with countless tree frog younglings, sitting quietly.

Pondering turtle from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
A turtle in the Pond: map or painted, hard to tell! Not far away, a bullfrog, too!

This bird was walking on water! I think it grabbed a young tree frog, but even in the final moments of the video, where I slowed the action down by 50%, it's hard to tell. Like First Nations, nature understands there are wins and losses. Population of individuals ebbs and flows with weather and climate, and the availability of prey.
I am so grateful to our three muskrats who've moved on to better pastures (so to speak!), who cleared the pond for me. It's about knee-deep, a little deeper in the middle where the lilies don't grow.

Cow bird in the pond from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
The pond has been busy and this Cow bird grabbed something, while walking on the lily pads!


eileeninmd said...

Good morning, great videos of your pond and wildlife. I like the turtle. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

Out To Pasture said...

I love, love, love your pond videos. Do your white water lily blooms have any fragrance? The larger, white water lilies found in slow moving rivers fave a divine scent!

Olga said...

The best kind of meditations!

Nancy J said...

I know there is life and death, but when I see it in the wildlife ar.eas, I feel so sad for the one who loses. Super place to sit and watch quietly. Take care if it is extra hot at your place, Florida and Tokyo are in heat wave mode right now

William Kendall said...

It certainly does look like it's walking on water!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
A veritable smorgaspond.... &*> YAM xx

Red said...

Since you've got a dock and chair, you can afford to be patient and watch. all kinds of things happen if you sit quietly and watch.

Kay said...

How interesting to see life on the pond. Walking on water, indeed.

DeniseinVA said...

Thanks for these videos, very enjoyable!