Sunday 16 August 2015

Into Vancouver to see Les Mis

That was so much fun! Jesse's shows are always wonderful. We haven't been to see a show of his since 2013, in Chemainus. We were in Vancouver and Surrey for the May 19th wedding in 2014.
I love looking up the street and seeing mountains! This was on Wednesday, our last full day there.

It was wonderful seeing Jess in Les Mis. No photos, since the set and costumes and all are intellectual property. Suffice it to say, it was a terrific production. Wonderful voices, and terrific actors!

I love the bustle of the city, we took several walks with Stacie and the baby. Lots of old growth trees.

 Jess took us around the corner, where we had dinner. Since we'd waited an hour for a taxi (long story), we didn't have time for lunch. The fancy shmancy restaurant next door is owned by this restaurant. They don't take reservations, and people line up down the block for a table. They take over food plates for the people in line! You can see them in the background. I was hungry. Can you tell?! Pigeon picked up the rice the boys at a nearby table dropped.


eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Great collection of photos. Happy Sunday!

Nancy J said...

I would be so glad to have a chauffeur in that busy place, super tall buildings, and time with family, well done to finally get plane seats.

Linda aka Crafty Gardener said...

I love visiting out west and it is even better when seeing grandkids is involved especially an adorable little granddaughter.

Small City Scenes said...

Love that city---so much to see.
What a cutie pie you newest G-daughter is.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Your grand-daughter is delightful and what a great treat combo - mountains, show and lunch! YAM xx

Red said...

Vancouver is a great city to poke around in. Some areas are real dumps.

William Kendall said...

I really have to get out there sometime.

EG CameraGirl said...

Vancouver is a great city to visit!