Tuesday 18 August 2015

Downtown: Vancouver Sunday Market

We took a walk  to a market Sunday afternoon, Aug. 9th. Jesse had a matinee and we tootled around the city. We kept finding restaurants named 'Joe.' Intriguing people all about.

Letter Writing Club!
One of the best parts of the market was this woman, who was inspiring people to write letters! One young girl was typing her message on a real typewriter!

Letter carriers, soon a thing of the past.

Cluny was in love with grampa. He told her wonderful stories and she listened with rapture! Isn't our DIL beautiful, too?!


eileeninmd said...

Looks like another fun day, I like these kinds of marketplaces. Cute baby! Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

Love the photos! Van is a beautiful, vibrant city. I especially liked your story about the woman encouraging people to write letters. It's a lost art for sure.

DeniseinVA said...

You have a lovely family. Such a cute little baby. Great post!

EG CameraGirl said...

Cluny is such a sweetie pie!

William Kendall said...

The baby certainly is adorable!

Rose said...

Cluny is adorable...I want to say that first thing. And yes, your DIL is beautiful.

I wish I could see those fabric postcards up close...it is tin the last set of 4 photos...just interests me since I like to quilt and have tons of fabric. (Maybe tons is a slight exaggeration.)

Nancy J said...

Gramps and Cluny, photos to treasure. Lovely streets, and trees are always a grand part of any city.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh lucky grandma and grandpa! So glad you are getting to visit!