Just this past week, people were discussing the ability of women to
'have it all,' while raising a family. Working mothers have special issues. There is no doubt. Single mothers have an added difficulty, especially in the light of the fact that we earn less than men. I had it easy as a single parent, I was a teacher, had the summers off, and could do work after the kids were in bed. I could choose to aspire to positions of added responsibility, or not.

There was much pressure at that time to do so, the women's movement was strong and the glass ceiling low, but I found much reward in being a special education teacher, rather than a leader or principal.

This is a comforting book for a parent who has lost a child to addiction. There are many mothers blamed for the deaths of their children. It is difficult to watch your child, or any loved one, sinking into the depths of despair. Mental health issues are far more complex, and there is much stigma around them. Too many misunderstand, especially family, also friends, and employers.
Well written, it was a good read, although painful. The confirmation from the afterlife can be comforting. What I found interesting is that it fits in with messages from beyond, a theme I've found in several other books I've recently reviewed, e.g.
Cobelo, Carolyn E.; Bridge to Beyond.
This is the story of a hero’s journey—of dark and light, addiction and recovery, life and death and the afterlife. It is a story of sorrow and redemption, the bond between a mother and son, and the legacy of addiction that they heal together after her son crosses to the “other side.”
The Hero in Heroin is Mindy Miralia’s honest telling of her life as an international businesswoman who constantly strove to be the best parent possible despite her family’s constant uprooting from one part of the globe to another—moves that were demanded by work.
I can see why that would be a tough read. A good review.
Hari OM
One of my counselling 'specialties' was in the area of addictions; the support folk (mostly mothers) needed as much help as the ones for whom they cared. So very, very hard. I too liked your review Jenn! YAM xx
To make the mental health situation worse is that there are few treatments that do anything. For my seizures, I'm on a medication that is also used for schizophrenia and bipolar. For seizures it's a pain as there are side effects that are annoying and i'm sure it's the same for other uses.
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