After dropping them off in the city, having fought our way along roads crowded with cyclists (two abreast), we took ourselves to lunch in Perth. They were happy to be home!
The old mill now has stores, and this restaurant in it. It used to be a felt mill!
The statue is famous, our Olympic athlete Ian Millar on his horse Big Ben. Millar lives down the road from us, not that we've met! He's a private man.
I love the signage at the store in the old mill!

These are archival photos! It's a lovely spot. The first is the building where we were eating, taken from the opposite shore.
Lovely images from your outing! The mill and restaurant sound nice! Have a happy day!
Perth really is a beautiful small town!
Ha ha, the coffee/cow joke make be groan, but I'll probably tell it to someone as I am one of those weird people who like puns.
My comment on the last post (making snow) got sent before I was done writing (my IPad seems to have a mind of its own sometimes); anyway had meant to add that I will send that link to my granddaughter as her little boys are now home from school and she will be looking for things to entertain them. (Or maybe I will send it to my daughter, she can do it with HER grandsons).
After stressful travel and tests, this was what the " Doctor ordered" beautiful grounds, statue, Wow!!! and cool lager for you, hope you get some restful days right now.
Nice treat after the treat of the grandkids for a week.
Hari OM
......splutter...........decalfinated..................mmmoooowowahahahahahahahaha... YAM xx
That sure looks like an interesting spot to visit.
you will have made many memories for your granddaughters this week. You are great grandparents. Love your new header photo.
What a fun town! I love the cute signs. They must bring a smile to everyone that passes by.
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