And I figured out the log splitter.
Red squirrels are everywhere! They are in mating mode, at this time of year. Annabelle was exhausted, however. Photos were taken with the Videocam, hence they aren't quite excellent. The sun was shining, at least, and that makes for a better photo.
Whilst the other cats slept, Daisy and I figured out how to work the electric log splitter. I cannot lift it, but it has wheels. I dragged it out from the garage, where it has been sitting for the 5 years we have lived here. Time to make it work. The wood we bought has some big pieces that do not fit into the wood insert. This was the case last year, with a different supplier. sigh. What do these men think?
Some I can barely lift!
My friend, Jean, offered to have her hubby help if I sent photos, but the directions were pretty clear. Thank you internet buddy!
Hubby returned from delivering Meals on Wheels and he found the manual for me, after I searched online. They don't make my brand any more. "Be careful!" he says. No guff.
With our cold spell, I've been keeping it warm indoors. It has a 6-ton capacity and works quite nicely, once I read the manual. I'm startled by loud noise, but it just gently pushes the wood into the splitter. With great force, I might add. My 8-lb. maul didn't work on a couple of pieces.

Nice sunny pics of your frozen world.
The red squirrels are cuter than the lizards running around everywhere here in Florida.
Those red squirrels certainly are devious little rascals.
Annabelle has the right idea.
all creative shots ~ pesky little red squirrel but persevering ~ love the kitty shot!
Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
little furmonster. so cute!
Love your sweet friends! Nice shots. DO be careful wit the machine
ALOHA from Honolulu
Hari OM
...nearly missed seeing Annabelle amongst all the squirrel-hood!!! YAM xx
they are devious little devils, but ever so cute!!
Living in the frozen North sure isn't for sissies! Good job figuring that splitter thing out. We used to burn wood in Oregon -- nothing warms you up quite as w3ell -- and as the saying goes 'h/she who cuts their own wood is warm twice' (I would add, she who splits, stacks, and carries it!)
I just love my log splitter. Wayne and I used to split with an ax and a sledge hammer. I held the ax in place and he hit it with the hammer. I really hated that, and it made my ears ring even wearing plugs and ear defenders. Not to mention the danger from flying heavy and sharp objects. Now he hands me the cut rounds and I sit and split. In fact, we have another cut pile to split when we get home. It'll be our first start on next year's firewood. - Margy
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