Saw-whet owl 3.0 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
It's just a shadow on the Trailcam. They are simply too fast for the big game cameras, intended to capture large, slower critters. I repeated the 4 second clip, slowing it down by 25%, but it's still a blur! I think it is camera shy!!!
Last night, I forgot to put the SD Card back in. No memory. Sigh. Me, too.
Below was Day 2. I was tromping about the snow, looking for her perch. I saw her fly away. Leaping into my boots, I grabbed my camera and warm clothes.
The snow went into my knee-high boots! After swimming through snow in the front yard, I finally found it in the back yard, sitting on the garden post. Can you see it?

I scared it from the mailbox visitation #1.
Saw-whet owl from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
What a treat to see: a Saw-whet owl in my front yard. It slept here all day, but was gone the next morning. They are nocturnal.
This is where the owl went, after Daisy scared her.
Saw-whet owl 2.0 from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
It came back! Flying, I think, from the mailbox to the wreath outside my living room window, it began going around and around!
The 2nd visitation, Daisy was going outside and spotted it on the mailbox, which is just above her in the video. I think the only way to protect the owl is to remove the mailbox and put another perch, higher up.
Daisy hunts from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.
Suey fell asleep on the mailbox. The mailbox is where I discovered the Saw-whet owl sitting. It flew away the first time. The 2nd time it flew onto the wreath. Daisy went to look for her. The bird feeder is high above her head. I set up the trail cam to see if I could capture an image of the owl in the dark, so far only Daisy.
Lucky you, I would love to see a Saw-whet owl! Have a great day!
That is great seeing the saw-whet owl. Looks like it enjoys your property.
There is certainly something 'magical' about sighting these cute little owls. Your Saw-whet knows there are mice to be had at your place, and intends to dine on them. Don't you wish we had night vision goggles?
What cute shots!
Snow in your boots, do you wear gaiters over the top? Love the story of your owl, one day it will perch in the porch!!! Take care, lovely email with your news.all OK so far this morning
Quite a pretty neighbour to have around!
Hari OM
Crikey, even knowing what I was looking for it took a couple of viewings with the full screen to catch it! Well spotted that woman!!! YAM xx
That was a lot of work for some good photos. There seems to be an invasion of saw whets this winter. There are lots of sightings and photos in Alberta this year.
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