Somebody at my house needs to cut up some more kindling, as well!

I relaxed by going into the forest. The big, old pines are amazing.

Another very cold day, Monday, but feeling cooped up I decided to amble down the driveway (100m) to fetch the post. Instead, remembering the deer carcass along the highway, I decided to go for a walk first. It was a brisk -20 C. or so, but I had on my long, down-filled yard duty coat, warm hoodie and mittens.
The hawk is way up in the furthest tree, beyond the pine. You really can't see it, but that's where it was. The carcass is under the snow (5"), with lots of coyote tracks going back and forth from the forest.

Pretty scenes from your walk! The sky is a pretty blue! Have a happy Tuesday!
Do you wear gloves under the mittens as well? And what about neck warmers? ,we also have a long driveway to the letterbox, on a Thursday I "zip" up there on the quad bike with the rubbish bag for collection. Well, I go carefully in case Hugh gets up to make sure I do it right. Look at your snow piled up at the side. Keep warm.When is your birthday? Maybe a petrol driven log splitter would be a grand gift!!
Eight pounds? Yikes! I don't think I'd be able to do it! You are amazing!
You've got quite a lot of snow!
you were braver than me, as I never left the house all day....
I just found two carcasses in the sanctuary. By the time I came along you couldn't tell if they'd been taken down by coyotes or just died from some cause...injury, age. illness, starvation. they were 300 m from the road so prabably not road kill.
You're one tough woman, Jill!
Wonderful scenery, even if it is a bit cold!
Jean, I find that I warm up, and have to loosen my scarf! No gloves under the mittens. I have an electric log splitter, but I don't know how to use it and should sell it!
Tough, Hilary? Just determined, methinks!!!
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