Saturday 3 January 2015

Snowy owl hunting in Ontario

Visit SC #55
I'm taking a break from my Wolfe Island  saga.
The owl we found on Wolfe Isl. Dec. 31st
People were so thrilled with the 2014 winter irruption of Snowy owls. They are a beautiful bird, hunted by photographers all around the world. They are strikingly obvious, what with our recent melt down. Our snow has gone, which is unusual.

They are camouflaged for the arctic, but survive well here, sans snow! They blame the irruption on plentiful food up north, and last year the juveniles had to find territory away from the adults. Some didn't go back north and others have returned in 2015. They estimate 50 in the Ottawa area alone.

We went into the city to have 'Christmas' and birthday with hubby's aunt. We both have December birthdays, but with her 5 adult children, she's been busy! On the way home, after a two-year drought, another snowy owl.

It appalls me that these people feel free to march out onto a farmer's land, and I kept to the highway. You can see from the photos that it was windy, and bitterly cold, but the owl seems fine up there. It's head would turn slowly, scanning the ground for mice. For me, it's as funny watching the people as the owl, who ignores them.


eileeninmd said...

The Snowy owl is a gorgeous bird. Great sightings and wonderful photos. Congrats! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

TexWisGirl said...

marvelous owl sighting!

Anonymous said...

They say this is the second year for seeing lots of snowy owls in Ontario, but so far I haven't seen any :( but I'm always on the lookout and have the camera handy.

Nancy J said...

Beautiful, and yes, I too would enjoy watching the watchers!!How dare they? Did you say anything to any one of them? Maybe pretend to be the landowner, and charge a trespass fee!!Looks cold, hope you are keeping warm and all is well at your place. Hugs, Jean.

Unknown said...

How wonderful to see this gorgeous owl. No wonder people go a little crazy over them. Happy New Year to you!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fantastic images of the Owl. Have a wonderful weekend and a HAPPY NEW YEAR,

A Colorful World said...

Gorgeous owls! Wonderful sightings of them. How fortunate that they come there!

Kay said...

I guess people forget that even farmland is private property.

That is such a huge owl.

Anonymous said...

wow fantastic photos such a beautiful bird a joy to see

Mike said...

Wow! I have never seen a snowy owl. What a great bird to see!

William Kendall said...

The owls are beautiful. The manners of some of your fellow bird watchers, however, are appalling!

Red said...

that guy drew a SRO crowd. We have people with no interest in birds causing a disturbance. they only want a picture. Birders lose a good chance just to look at the owl.

Janice said...

Such a lovely creature. How fortunate to see one alive.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...they didn't have your mega-lens though Jenn... but definitely should not be on the field - and Red's comment is very pertinent as I have experienced being out on a 'twitch' and had folk appear from nowhere like a herd of elephants... sigh.... have to remember the view is for everyone and not just me!!!

Love your owl shots - but the last one with the sun glints is gorgeous. YAM xx