Does this ever make me mad. ALS Canada has taken down its information site to provide quick links to the Ice Bucket Challenge. I have a client with ALS, whose symptoms are worsening. I want to learn more about this disease to prove better respite care. What are they thinking? This hijacking is awful. It's slacktivism at its worst.
I have no money left to donate. I donate to several causes. I donate my time most of all.
Good causes need sustainability. They need to provide support to families, much more than just doing research.
It feels more like it's coming across like a fad, or a stunt, than really shedding light on the cause itself. Not to mention that it's coming across like a waste of water.
There has been some controversy about the ice bucket campaign. It seems to be a lot of hype and not much info.
You'd think they'd welcome the visits. That's messed up.
That seems to me to be very lazy. Plus as William says, the Ice Bucket Challenge is such a waste of water (I couldn't beleive when I read how popular it is in California, which is in a state of severe drought, it just seems irresponsible)
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