I liberated it. Everybody is waking up from a long, cold winter. At least the snow cover protected flora and fauna.
Can you see its head to the left of Buster's? |
'Twas a long one! |
I set it free over in the forest, but two cats (see the end of the 53 sec. video) thought mummy was up to something interesting. I grabbed a stick and got them playing to prevent them from hearing the snake slithering in the grass!
Ribbon snake and cats from
Jennifer Jilks on
Buster found a snake. I liberated it.
Cute video! I am glad it was set free in the forest.. Have a happy day!
such a beautiful ribbon snake. so glad he was able to make his getaway... slowly as it was... your cats are precious. have a great day~
Fun video!
I didn't know you could distract cats that easy.
Well, you are very brave to rescue a snake from your cats. I'm afraid I have an aversion to such critters, unreasonable though I know it is.
A lovely snake, though I know of a few snake phobics who'd disagree!
You are good to rescue that poor snake. Do the kitties eat it though?
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