Monday, 24 February 2014

Turkeys are out and about

Snooze in the spring sun
There was a pond under the White Pine tree. We've had some balmy days. The Mourning Doves were having a bath. The wild turkeys were having a much under the tree!

 In the late afternoon, Daisy and I took a walk to the back and sat on the bench under the warm arms of the green pine. The sun shines and warms us, out of the wind, which brought in a cold front. 

 Daisy is a snuggler and a caver. In the wee hours of the morning, when the furnace thermostat is turned down, she'll come to bed and paw at the blankets, demanding to get under the covers. Some say it's a sign of a kitten taken from her mother too early, wanting back to the womb, but I don't know. She's a teeny thing, and gets pretty cold!

 I sat on the bench, she came over and sat on the bench and seemed cold. I opened up my jacket and tucked her in. We sat there and watched the birds for about 45 minutes. Her little head peeking out, gazing around. It was a lovely moment. She'd stare up at the sound of the chickadees, chirping their arrival. Suddenly, she stared off at the back of the forest. The wild turkeys were peeking over the berm to see if anyone was there. When we finally went indoors, they appeared under the feeder.


Ela said...

Beautiful creatures.
And sweet cat :)

Red said...

This time of year the sun is at a high enough angle to provide some warmth. It works much better if you're on the south side of a haystack and can snuggle into the hay!

Victoria said...

So beautiful..what a treat to see...such fantastic shots..bewildering beauties..thanks so much for sharing! Lovely!!

betty-NZ said...

What great shots of the turkeys! That sounds like a great moment of bonding for you two.

carol l mckenna said...

Wow ! What visitors ~ Wonderful photos of the turkeys ~ Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Sometimes a cold kitten is just a cold kitten -- no need to psychoanalyze her! Plus I bet she warms you up too! Brave turkeys. Brave you out there in that weather.

Kay said...

I'm always so amazed to see your wild turkeys. They're so huge, but not fat and lumbering like the ones you see in the farms.