Sunday, 23 February 2014

Sunday sketches: fish, squirrels, rabbit

Isabelle (age 3)  decided she wanted to colour my fish!
First, purple lips, turquoise cheek, then redish eye, all
within the lines. Finally, she started colouring it all black.
 I have another client. We watched the women's Olympic hockey game together, while I sketched. I find it relaxing.

Our girls visited yesterday, Josephine loves my How to draw books!

For more Sunday Sketches...
Josephine was drawing like mad! (age 6)


carol l mckenna said...

Fun sketches of nature's critters ~ thanks ~ and thanks for visiting ~

artmusedog and carol

Helen said...

What lovely, fun sketches. Happy SS

Helen said...

What lovely, fun sketches. Happy SS

Christine said...

Nice collection of sketches, glad the grandkids enjoyed too!

Anonymous said...

What cute drawings!

eileeninmd said...

Cute sketches of the critters. Happy Sunday!

Lynn Cohen said...

Very fun art!!!!!!!!!! Love the 3 yrs old rendition the best!!!

Hilary said...

Very cute.