Tuesday 22 October 2013

Last views of the robins, methinks

Fine fellow!
They are munching on the berries, it was a banner year for berries this year!
Chilly days, but many berries about.

Off we went for walkies.

Yes, I know, sounds crazy, but the cats like to walk with me. I'm not sure why.

But my eyes and ears were drawn upwards. 
I could believe the noise in the canopy. Hundreds of robins!
They were hiding out in the cedars, avoiding the blue jays.
Listen to them! 
Another forest trip, this time 100s of robins were singing in the canopy. Daisy thought she could climb up and visit with them. She changed her mind and shinnied back down!
Daisy in the forest from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

Can you see them in the middle?
Three of them!
I spotted this one nibbling away.


Olga said...

I get such a kick out of your cats taking walks with you. It doesn't sound catlike, but I guess that there really is no typical cat. They just are who they are.

Kay L. Davies said...

The robins are well camouflaged this time of year, aren't they?
Dear Daisy, trying to climb 'way up into the tree canopy. And then what would she do with a robin if she caught one? A full-grown robin is almost as big as she is. LOL
Nice to hear you laughing on the video. I know things are stressful just now. Walks in the woods with accompanying cats must be so good for the soul, however.
Luv, K

Red said...

We had our big visit of robins about 10 days ago. they were everywhere like you describe. We will find a few that stay all winter.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those robins better be heading south pretty soon, doncha think? I love love love that your kitties walk with you.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Love how your kitties like to go walking with you.

We had hundreds of robins gathered together here on Wednesday late afternoon. They were really making a ruckus chirping out a certain little call, and darting around in all of the lawns in sight picking for worms and bugs. As nightfall came, they roosted in the trees, as thick as leaves. The next morning by the time I was up, the flock was gone to where ever their secret hidden robin woods is. I have read that they disappear into the deep woods for the winter.