Rescue cat Spencer our aunt's cat |
We went to visit hubby's aunt. Her cat, Spencer, was indoors looking out.
A stray cat visited. A pretty thing, but the neighbours feed it and it wanders the yards looking for handouts!
What a mistake. She wanted Aunt Betty to take it to the humane society.
People really don't understand cats!

Calico cat spotted a buddy to play with.
C'mere and play! |

We arrived home from our city visit to find Jeremiah Bullfrog had emerged from his winter slumber.

Buster, of course, thought he should go back to sleep!
Daisy was keen to hunt almost anything!
Jeremiah was a bullfrog! I like that tune.
Love the photos of the calico cat and the squirrel, Jenn. And I hope Buster is introducing Jeremiah to Daisy properly, "He's a good friend of mine."
I love that photo of Daisy!!! Such a typical cat!!!
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