I was asked to watch the Pink Ribbons, Inc. NFB movie. It was powerful. The Trailer is below.

The fact is that big business stole the idea away from Charlotte Hailey (at age 68), who created the orange/salmon ribbon in the 90s, and it is shameful. She demanded we write to politicians and those who create the poisons in our world. She was a committed individual and high-priced lawyers enabled Komen to steal the idea, collect money, all by changing the ribbon colour to pink.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics : Raining Pink Ribbons
safecosmetics.org › What's In Your Products?
The pink ribbon was originally neither pink nor was it intended to be used as a ... It was a peach ribbon developed in the early 1990s by Charlotte Haley
1) Early detection, while treatable, in the Slash, Burn, Poison philosophy. First surgery, then radiation, then chemotherapy. We haven't changed treatments in all the millions of dollars raised for breast cancer research.
2) Death - the language they use, 'battling', fighting, losing the battle, cancer survivor. This is profoundly negative and implies that a foreign thing is the enemy. The enemy is our own cancer cells. If you succumb to your cancer you are not a loser.

4) Only 20 - 30% of breast cancer occurs in women with identified risk factors. The rest, they do not know the cause. Annie Leonard, The Story of Cosmetics, they contain toxic chemicals, tertrasodium, pesticides, chemicals that may or may not be identified or listed.
Carcinogens, neurotoxins, reproductive toxins. Plastics that mimic estrogens.
Do you know what is in your cosmetics? |

"By their own admission, AstraZeneca has spent several million dollars on the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month project. What is behind their interest in Breast Cancer?
For over the last 20 years, AstraZeneca was the manufacturer of one of the largest selling breast cancer drugs in the world: tamoxifen citrate."
They want to sell the drug to women, despite flawed, biased tests that 'prove' it is a breast cancer risk reduction drug.
milkingcancer.org What is breast cancer? Some posit a response to the chemicals in our environment.
Think Before You Pink |
"Highly revelatory—at times shocking—Pink Ribbons, Inc. challenges the commercialization of the breast cancer movement, its place in U.S. culture, and its influence on ideas of good citizenship, responsible consumption, and generosity. "
1 comment:
Always the same...things are made out to be something else all the while hoodwinking us to think that they are good. Pharmaceuticals have too much money with which to push their products. Not only cosmetics are filled with garbage but many other common products.
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