Monday, 7 January 2013

Postscript: Snowmen and Bambi

I went to the window- here was 'Bambi', a doe with twins, staring at me and the snowmen.
She lives in our forest and often visits.
She stared back at me, then at them, for about 10 minutes.

Bambi and the Snowman from Jennifer Jilks on Vimeo.

I created a SnowQueen and a SnowJester. Bambi seems to wonder what they are!


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Jenn: What fun, it's great when they visit.

Christine said...

wonder if she thinks they are people? Happy New Year Jenn!

Red said...

We sometimes are surprised by animals looking at us. We fail to remember the keen senses they have. so they hear you in your house and can smell many, many things that give them information about the world around them.

Linda said...

Wouldn't you love to know what they were thinking? I would love to see the deer - but not the snow! Happy New Year to you, Jenn!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what lovely garden visitors!